First and foremost, we would like to extend a huge thank you to all our healthcare providers, front line and essential workers! Their selfless dedication and commitment to our wellbeing has been both inspirational and reassuring during this challenging time. You are all heroes!

Your health and wellbeing will continue to be our top priority! Masks are now mandatory. Please have yours on when entering the building and for the duration of the time you are with us. Please arrive at the time of your appointment, as there is no waiting area. To limit exposure, only the individual receiving the service(s) will be allowed to enter. Parents or guardians of minors may enter to sign the consent form but will not be permitted to wait in the studio. Do not bring a family member or friend to the appointment.

If you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms or have travelled outside of Canada in the past 30 days, please reschedule your appointment. We reserve the right to refuse any service(s) should we feel the need to do so.

Hand washing is mandatory. Antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer will be available for your use. For your safety, all surfaces that you come in contact with such as the payment tools, beds, pens, etc. have been disinfected before and after each use. Many of the tools used are disposable. For reusable tools, proper sterilization techniques are used, in accordance with the protocols recommended by health and safety experts.

We look forward to seeing you!